Today seafarers and superintendents expect to have the right maintenance instructions available exactly where they need them at the right time. If they can have this, it is easier to do maintenance tasks accurately and in accordance with recommended procedures, leading to benefits in safety, quality of working life, efficiency and lower down time. But for this to happen, all digital systems need to integrate.

There is a maritime digital standard for doing this called Shipdex, based on a similar system used in the aviation sector called S1000D.

In this webinar we will look at how to get maintenance instructions for onboard equipment in digital format, with the help of maritime digital standard Shipdex. We will learn about the benefits of using Shipdex, how the standard is evolving, and the experiences of Mastermind Shipmanagement, MAN ES, and IB Marine in using it.

Giampiero Soncini, CEO of IB Marine will also talk about data ownership who really holds the power and custody of maintenance data and the dynamics behind the IT-supplier-customer.

– Capt. Eugen-Henning Adami, Shipdex Chairman, President of Cyprus Foundation of the Sea.
– Marco Vatteroni, Shipdex technical manager, Shipdex Consulting Ltd. Director
– Henrik Dan Kaspersen, Shipdex executive member, MAN ES Manager
– Giampiero Soncini, IB Marine CEO

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